Earthworms eat decaying organisms
Earthworms are classified in the phylum Annelida or Annelids.
Giant Blue Earthworms and Friends
1. Put on safety goggles, gloves, and a lab apron. 2. Place earthworm
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Giant Blue Earthworms and Friends
Earthworms are the common name for the largest members of the Oligochaeta

the earthworm than one might think! Again, I marvel at the Creator
EARTHWORMS: Lumbricus terrestris. "It may be doubted whether there
Food Source Earthworms
Earthworms have "few chaetae" (setae), which are bristles made of chitin

Earthworms are not insects, but annelids. They are beneficial organisms
If your pH is way off, earthworms won't stay around; they will leave if they
This method is very useful to collect the large number of earthworms in few
"Raising Earthworms" by Mary Hysong page one
Be assured that the term 'earthworm' refers to a wide assortment of
More Just Green Composting Worms & Earth worms
Earthworm Jim stars

Largest Earthworm
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